We had a visit from an award winning author this morning (and also husband of Mrs Hurley)!

It was a real treat to meet Andrew Michael Hurley who has written the award winning novel, The Loney and more recently, Starve Acre which has been turned into a BBC Film. 
Mr Hurley talked to the class about how he became a writer and the different books that inspired him as a child to do his own writing and cartoons. He even brought in a book of comic strips that he wrote when he was 9 years old for the children to look at.
Upper school enjoyed seeing the copies of The Loney that had been published in foreign languages and also spent time drawing their own comic strips inspired by Mr Hurley’s drawings and writing. 
We would like to thank Mr Hurley for taking the time to come and visit our school and for inspiring the children to be creative!

Author Visit-Andrew Michael Hurley