What a fantastic afternoon we had today when Middle School and Upper School came together to perform a musical concert for the parents! 
The children have all worked hard to learn several songs and to play instrumental accompaniments on glockenspiels and ukuleles. The audience were also treated to several solos by our very talented musicians-Sian and Abigail in Year 5 who sang a song they had composed themselves, Iain and Noah who both played beautifully on their guitars and then Sophie in Year 5 who gave a brilliant rendition of The fresh Prince of Belair!

The concert finale was Dancing in the Street performed by four year 5 girls, Millie, Sophie, Abigail and Sian and accompanied by the rest of Upper School on their glockenspiels. 
Thank you so much to all the parents who were able to come along and support the children…if you weren’t able to be there, see below for lots of photos of a great end of year concert. 
Mrs Hurley

KS2 Musical Concert