North West Stages Rally Car Visit

Image of North West Stages Rally Car Visit

On Monday afternoon, we had a fantastic visit from one of the rally cars that will be taking part in the North West Stages Rally in Garstang.
The children enjoyed asking questions about the car and having a try at sitting in it, too!

details about the rally can be found at: 

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Farmer Duck Drama

Image of Farmer Duck Drama

We have been enjoying reading and studying the story ‘Farmer Duck’ by Martin Waddell this week. The children acted out the story, first in pairs and then in small groups before performing it to each other as one activity this week. They had so much fun and I was so impressed with their…

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Plants in Spring

Image of Plants in Spring

Our science topic this half term is linked to our theme called ‘The Farm Shop’ and involves learning all about what keeps a plant healthy. 

This week we have been looking closely at the plants we have in our classroom and outside. We have decided to set up an experiment to test our theory…

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Lamb visit

Image of Lamb visit

We had a very exciting visit from a week-old ewe lamb from Maddison and Reagan’s Grandma and Pop’s farm this week! They have been very busy on the farm just recently as all their sheep decided to lamb at once. Maddison and Reagan have been helping out on the farm and Maddison has been a real…

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North West Stages Car Visit

Image of North West Stages Car Visit

We had a visit from Simon Bowen and friends with his rally car before they compete in the rally in Garstang this weekend. The children enjoyed having a look and getting to sit inside the car. 

Thank you for visiting us, we will all be cheering for number 10!


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Dancing in Canon

Image of Dancing in Canon

We are coming towards the end of our Highway Man  dance topic in PE and this week and the children in Upper School have been working in much bigger groups this time to produce a section of dance called a canon. 
One group worked on becoming the character, Bess, one group was the highway man and…

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North West Stages Rally Car Visit

Image of North West Stages Rally Car Visit

This afternoon, we had a visit from a rally car which will be taking part in the North West Stages Rally on the 19th March A total of 125 cars will be taking part over five stages. 

Further details about where to view the rally, as well as being able to view the cars from 6.30pm on Garstang…

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Interviews from the past

Image of Interviews from the past

To go alongside our plague topic, the children have been learning about writing a newspaper report as if they are really in 1665. To help us with this, children took on the role of a character from the time. 
Their characters were from different backgrounds and had interacted with the plague in…

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Middle School's World Book Day

Image of Middle School's World Book Day

Middle school enjoyed their world book day this year, exploring the theme of 'magic!'

The day began with a parade of all of the wonderful and creative outfits from across the school. We loved seeing how books had inspired children and hearing about why they had chosen their characters.


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What Am I?

Image of What Am I?

On World Book Day we created our very own book of riddles!  Our topic this half term is called ‘The Farm Shop’ and lots of our learning is linked to farms, animals on the farms, plants, people and how farms produce food for us to eat. 

Learning how to write a riddle is one of our English…

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LS World Book Day 2022

Image of LS World Book Day 2022

What a joy to be able to celebrate the 25th WBD in school with everyone this year! I was so delighted to see the excitement and joy in all the children throughout the day as they showed off their costumes and shared their favourite books.

Our theme was ‘Animals’ where I asked that you choose…

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Lower School’s Class Lending Library

Image of Lower School’s Class Lending Library

Thank you to all the parents who came to our reading meeting on Monday afternoon, it was lovely to see you all and chat about all things to do with reading! 

I launched our new class lending library which has been a great success this week with children taking books home to enjoy and returning…

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