Art- Watercolour Nests.

Image of Art- Watercolour Nests.

After studying the birds’ nests last week and producing charcoal and chalk drawings which focused on gaining depth with shading, the Upper School children used the new watercolour palettes to try and recreate paintings of the nests.
First we explored the way we could paint with watercolours and…

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American Adventures

Image of American Adventures

This half term, Upper School are having a whirlwind tour of the USA! We have already begun by thinking of words we associate with the USA and looking at the diversity in landscapes across the country. We watched a timelapse film travelling through America. How many places do you recognise?

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Habitats and The Natural World

Image of Habitats and The Natural World

Year 1 and 2 have begun our science topic developing their knowledge about habitats this week by exploring and comparing things that are alive, dead and have never been alive. They have also looked at local habitats and explored our fantastic outdoor space mapping habitats and finding out what…

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Creating an Animal Shelter

Image of Creating an Animal Shelter

A surprise delivery sparked our English topic this week when we received a box of animals and supplies! Our theme for the half term is called ‘Wind In The Willows’ and within English the children will be reading lots of stories where the animal characters have adventures before writing their…

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PE in the sun

Image of PE in the sun

Our Reception children’s PE lessons are currently focusing on fundamental skills. In their two lessons this week they have been hopping, catching, jumping distances, skipping, doing a caterpillar walk and practising over arm throws. 

Our Y1 and Y2 childrens’ PE lessons are focusing on…

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How Many Can You Grab?

Image of How Many Can You Grab?

One of the childrens’ maths challenges this week was to see how many points they could earn by grabbing different objects with the tweezers in two minutes. 

It was very interesting to see the different tactics and problem solving the children made. Great counting in 2s and 3s from lots of the…

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Latitudes of the Earth

Image of Latitudes of the Earth

Our geography topic this half term will be biomes and climates, which will focus on the great diversity of our planet.
To begin the topic, we have learned about latitudes and longitudes on the Earth, and how some of them receive special names. 

Children have built on their knowledge about the…

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Habitats around us

Image of Habitats around us

Our new topic in science this half term is habitat helpers.
Children kicked-off the topic by refreshing their memories of what a habitat was before venturing out to find some habitats within our school grounds. Children explored both flora and fauna that they found and discussed where we found…

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Art & Design -Nests (depth and shading)

Image of Art & Design -Nests (depth and shading)

This half term, we will be observing birds’ nests and, using a range of media, will draw, paint and then create our own nests using clay or textiles. 
Today the class looked closely at the different nests that I brought in. We decided which birds they might have belonged to by looking…

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Top Tips for Year 6s

Image of Top Tips for Year 6s


Top Tips for SAT week

Year 6 SATs take place soon. Here are some top tips to make sure they go as smoothly as possible.

  • Get plenty of rest- It is really important to be well rested before SAT week; this will help you to be able to focus.

  • Eat well- each morning of SAT week,…

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Persuasive Posters

Image of Persuasive Posters

After accepting the challenge to make a healthy wrap for their DT learning (you can see it here the children have done much cross curricular learning through science and English. As an English writing task the children had…

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Results of our science investigation

Image of Results of our science investigation

The results are in! After planting cress seeds last week (learn about it here the children were really interested to see what had happened to the seeds in the different pots and recorded their findings. 


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