Save habitats! Save the planet!

Image of Save habitats! Save the planet!

Our science topic this half term has revolved around habitats for animals and plants. We initially learned about what they were, where to find them and wider features of habitats and the animals within them. Children learned about adaptations and how each animal is suited to its home. 

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Science-Evolution and Inheritance

Image of Science-Evolution and Inheritance

Upper School are coming towards the end of their topic about Evolution and Inheritance this half term. We have learnt about adaptations, variation, inherited traits, survival of the fittest and this week we thought about how animals adapt over time to fit into their environments. 
The children…

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The United Kingdom

Image of The United Kingdom

As part of our Geography learning this term the children are building upon their locational knowledge of the United Kingdom by learning the names of the four countries, their capital cities and the surrounding seas as well as identifying characteristics of them. 

They have been using atlases…

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Caterpillar Update!

Image of Caterpillar Update!

The children are using their observations skills daily to observe the changes In the caterpillars as they grow. The children are fascinated by what they are seeing and have been asking lots of questions developing their scientific enquiry skills.

We have noticed how quickly most of the…

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Reception’s Investigation

Image of Reception’s Investigation

Our Reception children have had fun with this activity this week when they tried to free the  flowers they’d picked from the ice! 

They used their senses and explored frozen water and how it changes state when salt or warm water are added. They learnt that the warm water had the greatest effect…

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RE-Easter Around the World

Image of RE-Easter Around the World

For the last couple of weeks, the Upper School children have been researching, planning and producing a non-chronological report about Easter celebrations in different countries such as Mexico, Spain and Germany. They had to think carefully about how they set out their writing as the objective was…

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Outdoor Maths Challenge!

Image of Outdoor Maths Challenge!

This morning, Upper School braved the bracing wind to complete a maths competition that I set up around the school field. There were 29 maths challenges hidden all over the grounds and they worked in pairs to find them and try and answer the questions correctly before they could go and try a…

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Upper School’s Reports

Image of Upper School’s Reports

We had a treat this afternoon when Upper School came to our classroom to share their learning about Easter celebrations around the world. Go to their blog page to find out more!


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Oyster Catcher Chicks!

Image of Oyster Catcher Chicks!

This week has been very exciting for middle school as we have had a chance to see the baby oyster catchers! 
We have counted three chicks that have been sleeping just outside of our window in the lower school play area. 

Each morning we have loved looking out for them and checking if they are…

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The Good Samaritan

Image of The Good Samaritan

Our RE topic this term has been what rules should we follow? We have spent a lot of time discussing the rules we have in our society, at home and in other places. We have looked at the story of Adam and Eve and how they broke God's rule to not touch the tree of knowledge. Children also explored…

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Fabulous Year Sixes!

Image of Fabulous Year Sixes!

Well  done to our Year 6s for completing their SATs in such excellent fashion. We are very proud of the way they approached the week with confidence. Each Year 6 tried their absolute hardest and there is no more we could wish for. Well done all! 

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Art-Nest Sculptures

Image of Art-Nest Sculptures

After a very busy and intense morning completing SATs papers, the Upper School children enjoyed going outside in the grounds of school to find the types of materials birds might use to make their nests. They found wool, straw, sticks, grass, moss and leaves to add to their clay bases and recreate…

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