The butterflies are here!

Image of The butterflies are here!

We were so excited to watch catch sight of two different butterflies emerge from their chrysalis on Friday! It was an amazing experience for the children to watch and experience. 

We had lots of discussion and excitement as the children watched the final stages of the life cycle of a butterfly…

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Book Choices

Image of Book Choices

In Lower School the children have the opportunity to vote for the book they would like me to read to them every day. Each morning they come into school and look at the choices then place a shell in the bowl in front of the book they would prefer. 

We have a great selection of fiction,…

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Platinum Jubilee Day

Image of Platinum Jubilee Day

The Upper School children enjoyed a day of Platinum Jubilee activities today including drawing portraits of the Queen, making crowns, a jubilee lunch and a special jubilee worship with Helen. We ended the day by planting our Queen’s Jubilee oak tree and singing the National Anthem. Here are some…

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Lauren Child Inspired Books

Image of Lauren Child Inspired Books

After our fantastic visit from Lauren Child last week, we came away feeling inspired! 
Children have spent several days carefully creating their own versions of Lauren Child's beautiful books. They have attempted to emulate the style of her writing and illustrations to create their own…

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Brilliant bags!

Image of Brilliant bags!

As you may know, middle school have been working on designing and creating bags in their DT project this half term. The children have worked incredibly hard throughout the topic with their researching, designing and learning techniques for sewing and stitching. 
Finally, all of their hard work…

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Platinum Jubilee!

Image of Platinum Jubilee!

Middle school have been celebrating the platinum jubilee today!
We have been creating portraits of the queen in pencil and then drawing them onto A3 sheets, painting them with watercolours. We all did a wonderful job at carefully copying the queen's features.
Children also enjoyed a jubilee…

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Getting ready for our Jubilee Day!

Image of Getting ready for our Jubilee Day!

Upper School have worked hard to collage the outline of the Queen’s head with all things British! Their brilliant artwork is now up in the school hall ready for the Jubilee celebrations tomorrow! 

I am really looking forward to seeing my class dressed up in red, white and blue for the…

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Tempting Travels to the USA

Image of Tempting Travels to the USA

In Upper School this week we have been using our skills of persuasive writing to create a leaflet to tempt visitors to the USA. Having learnt about amazing physical features and interesting cities as part of our Geography lessons, the class had plenty of fascinating locations to tempt…

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DT Textiles - Learning Stitches

Image of DT Textiles - Learning Stitches

Our Design and Technology project this half term is to design and make a pouch as we are learning about textiles. We began by looking closely at our clothes and sharing ideas about how we thought our clothes are made. This created a great deal of discussion and we looked around the classroom…

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Computing - Moving Robots

Image of Computing - Moving Robots

Over this half term Year One and Two introduced to floor robots in our computing lessons. They have talked about what the buttons on a floor robot might do and then tried the buttons out. They have spent time linking an outcome to a button press. They have also considered the direction command…

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Lauren Child’s Visit

Image of Lauren Child’s Visit

Wow, wow and wow! We had an absolutely amazing morning on Friday when Lauren Child came to talk to us. Lauren talked about all her books, how she writes them and how she creates the illustrations.  It was fascinating. 

Take a look at the news article here on our website for a full description…

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Middle School meet Lauren Child!

Image of Middle School meet Lauren Child!

Middle school have been extremely lucky this week... they were one of the classes that were chosen to meet Lauren Child! 
We all had a wonderful time listening to some of Lauren's ideas behind her stories and learning more about her characters. She gave us plenty of brilliant information about…

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