Exploring new vocabulary linked to The Tudors…
This week, Upper School have started their new topic…The Tudors! Their first challenge was to use secondary resources to find possible answers for their crossword clues. They learnt lots of new vocabulary and were able to recall meanings later on too!
Christmas Lunch 2022
Thank you once again to Mrs Billington for cooking such a delicious Christmas lunch this year and thank you to the mums from Friends who kindly served it and cleared away afterwards! It was a special time being able to sit, eat and celebrate altogether.
Christmas Fun 2022
As you can see from these photos we had so much fun celebrating Christmas time with a visit to Lowther Pavillion in Latham to see the pantomime Cinderella (which we thoroughly enjoyed - Oh no you didn’t, Oh YES we did!) a very busy Christmas party (so busy I only managed to take three photos!) and…
Decorating the Church for Christmas
We were very excited in Upper School to accept the challenge proposed by Reverend Paul to decorate one of St Peter's Church windowsills for the Christmas services. We went down to Church and looked at the space we had, measuring it so that we knew what we had to work with and then we went to…
Thinking of Others This Christmas
Our Sports Coach Corey told us that his Sports Foundation Fleetwood Town were supporting lonely people this Christmas, our Middle School pupils decided to create their own Christmas cards to let others know that they aren't alone this Christmas. Corey was over the moon with our pupils'…
Middle School's Christmas Party (with a special guest!)
Middle School enjoyed their Christmas party on Wednesday! We kicked the party off with some fun group quizzes and games. Next, we played the pass the parcel kindly donated by Friends - luckily, we all won something! After that we played party games including musical statues, musical bumps and…
Christmas Cards
On Tuesday, middle school had a creative afternoon making layered collage cards. We could only use coloured paper, scissors and glue! The children chose their own special message to put inside. We had some beautiful cards!
The Sky in 1666
The children applied the skills they learnt previously (creating autumn leaves see here https://inskip.lancs.sch.uk/blog/2022-10-13-14-49-13-painting-autumn-leaves ) to create the background sky using wax resist and watercolour inks to create a picture representing the sky above St Paul’s…
Upper School’s Creative Games
Today was our final lesson in our Creative Games series of learning. Over the past few weeks, we have practised dribbling, passing and throwing with basketballs, footballs and rugby balls in a series of different games - including games with attackers and defenders and the need to outwit your…
Stories set during a historical time period
Upper School have continued to explore the book, ‘Otto: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear’ and have used it as inspiration for their own stories they have started writing (if children access these from home, please make sure that they continue to save their work regularly: there is no expectation…
How to prepare for an earthquake
Middle school have brought their geography topic of earthquakes and volcanoes to an exciting conclusion by combining them with their computing lessons... the children worked in small groups to produce their own short videos to explain to viewers how they can prepare for and get through an…
Winter Weather
As part of our geography and science learning we take notice of the weather and note changes throughout the year (not just when we study it in a topic). Today we couldn’t resist taking a close look at the beautiful patterns created by nature as we still had flakes of ice in the areas shaded from…