Hands, Feet and Heart

Image of Hands, Feet and Heart


In our music lessons we are learning a song called ‘Heart, Hands and Feet’. This week we have been keeping the beat using instruments as we sing. 

Practise the song at home, you can find it here on this link  https://soundcloud.com/ellel-3/05-kye-kye-kule

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Image of Animals

What is an animal? Are humans animals? Do you have any animals at home as pets or livestock?


We sparked our science learning by considering these questions this week and it caused some great discussion. The children in Lower School are quite knowledgeable about how to care for animals as…

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Hot and Cold Places

Image of Hot and Cold Places

We have begun our Geography learning this week as part of our half term topic called ‘Penguins, Possums and Pigs’ . The children shared what they already knew about hot and cold places in the world and started to think about what they wanted to learn. 

In an activity they looked at various…

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Nailing Netball Skills!

Image of Nailing Netball Skills!

This half term, Upper School have ‘thrown’ themselves into their PE lessons with an awesome abundance of enthusiasm! 

We are learning skills to play Netball-type games (from sending and receiving the ball with accuracy to using space and communication to work effectively in a team) and…

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Bouncing and Catching

Image of Bouncing and Catching

In our PE topic this half term, we have been focusing on bouncing and catching. This accompanies our other PE topic for this half-term of dodgeball, where precise throwing and catching are imperative!

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Place Value Olympics

Image of Place Value Olympics

This week middle school have showed off everything they have learned in the last two weeks of the Place Value unit through some different activities.

Children got into teams to earn points through a series of indoor and outdoor events. 

Inside, children represented numbers as base 10 and as…

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Evidence Explorers!

Image of Evidence Explorers!

In History, Upper School have been getting to grips with evidence this week. They have been learning to give reasons for the different versions of the past. To help us understand this a little more, we took part in a whole class puzzle: trying to work out what actually happened last weekend based…

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English -The Unforgotten Coat by Frank Cottrell Boyce

Image of English -The Unforgotten Coat by Frank Cottrell Boyce

Today the children were introduced to their new novel ‘The Unforgotten Coat’ by exploring the strange coat that was hung up in the classroom last week. They discussed the facts they knew about the coat such as its colour, type of coat and heaviness. Abigail then discovered some Polaroid pictures…

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Reading Buddies

Image of Reading Buddies

We love reading in Lower School! We have lots of opportunities to read every day and always have a story time where I read the children a story they have chosen by voting for their favourite at our book voting station. We have DEAR time, where the children ‘drop everything and read’ and at this…

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Getting along

Image of Getting along

As part of our PSHE learning we explored the question ‘What makes a good friend?’. Our discussion was sparked by the lovely new picture book by Petr Horaceck called ‘The Perfect Present’. In the story we meet two best friends Tom and Mot and they give each other a birthday present and play on…

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Our New Reception Children 2022

Image of Our New Reception Children 2022

What a bunch of superstars our Reception children are. They have settled into school life so quickly I feel like they have been with us for much longer than one week already! They have taken part in activities with myself and Mrs Welsh and formed friendships quickly, well done Luca, Ethan, Theo,…

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Welcome to the New School Year!

Image of Welcome to the New School Year!

It has been so lovely to see our children back in Lower School this week and to welcome Alex into Year 2 as well as our new Reception children Luca, Theo, Ethan, Lily and Jasmine. 

We have spent this first week settling into our class routines and school life, focusing on what makes us work…

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