Our Favourite Things God Created
Today we started to explore our thoughts about who made the world. We discussed what people of faith believe about God as creator of the world.
At the very beginning of the Bible, in the book of Genesis, there is a story about how God created the world and the order in which he created…
Our Lower School Family
We have been playing lots of games and taking part in activities to get to know one another, we have looked at the things that make us different and the things that make us the same.
In our class we choose to be one big family who work together to make each other feel happy, safe and part of a…
English- The Unforgotten Coat RolePlays
The children did a brilliant job of role playing a scene from our novel today! Each group performed as characters from the book and tried to create the sense of confusion/fear/surprise in the scene. We then used the role play work to help us write a list of progressive verbs and abstract nouns…
PE-overarm cricket bowling
Today Upper School were learning to use an overarm bowl in our cricket skills lesson. They did brilliantly with this and demonstrated the technique by bowling to their partner through a pair of cones. We also played some cricket style games to practice catching and fielding. Well done Year…
Week 2 Speaking and Listening in M.School
In Middle School, we are learning to develop active listening strategies through various different ways and across multiple areas of our learning.
As part of our PSHE topic - exploring identity, interests and strengths - are learning to build confidence to stand in front of our class to share…
Week 2 PE in Middle School
What a start to our PE learning! One of our PE topics is ‘Rock’n’Roll’: a dance linked to our science and history topics (Stone Age/ Solids, Liquids and Gases / Rocks and minerals).
The children have been learning to navigate and use the hall space safely and creativity, listen to commands and…
Week 2 Maths
Like most years, our first Maths topic of the year is Place Value. We are exploring various ways of representing numbers to 1000 to really get to grips with the ‘onesness’ of ones, the ‘tensness’ of the tens and the ‘hundredness’ of hundreds. We have also explored numbers which include a zero…and…
Science- facts about the solar system
The children got to experience how big the planets and the solar system is today when we used toilet roll sheets and fruits to represent the relative sizes and distances of the solar system. It ended up that we had to unravel the toilet roll out of the classroom and down the corridor. Neptune was…
Week 1 History M.School
Our new history topic is ‘The Stone Age’ and we started with a KWL grid to find out what the children already know and what they would like to know.
We have left the ‘What have we learnt’ column for later…and now the children are very eager to find out…
PSHE Week 1 M.School
What strengths, skills and interests do we have?
This is our first question to explore this year…and it has been such an enjoyable one to start with!
We created mini graffiti squares to represent a snapshot of who we are. We thought about things we love, we are good at and things we…
Welcome to a new year!
We have had a super first three days of the academic year in Lower School! We have welcomed Luke, Rory, Xander, Sarah, Sofia, Annie and Eliza to our Reception group and Sanam to Year 1. We had our first birthday of the year when Rory and Xander celebrated their 5th birthday on Friday.
Science Week 1
Our first Science topic of the year is ‘States of Matter’ and we started by discussing and identifying the different states: solid, liquid and gas.
Through discussion, we agreed that some things were clearly a liquid, solid or gas but sometimes it is tricky to tell as they might look,…