Exploring Tens and Ones

Image of Exploring Tens and Ones

Our Year 1 children have been doing lots of different activities throughout the week developing their understanding of place value to 100. They have been playing lots of games, challenging each other and themselves and investigated how many tens and how many ones are in different two digit…

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Reception’s Creations

Image of Reception’s Creations

Our Reception children have been having fun creating some awesome models, they chat so animatedly whislt they are creating and when they describe their inventions to you. They applied lots of great design and making skills as they worked, making decisions, trying things out and improving their…

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Rainbow Fish

Image of Rainbow Fish

We have had a very busy week being creative and have had so much fun. We read the story The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister which is all about a fish with beautiful scales. The Rainbow Fish is asked to share his scales and when he refuses, he learns very quickly that he has no friends. So he learns…

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Julian Is A Mermaid

Image of Julian Is A Mermaid

This week a lot of our writing has been inspired by the fabulous picture book 'Julian Is A Mermaid' by Jessica Love. we came into the classroom one morning to find a letter for us telling us to follow our dreams. 

We shared our hopes and dreams with each other before recording them on notelets…

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Year 2’s Super Writers

Image of Year 2’s Super Writers

Our Year Two children have been very proud to show off their joined handwriting recently and rightly so! They have written some lovely poems titled ‘Under The Sea’ and included rhyming couplets. 

Well done children!



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Seasides in the Past

Image of Seasides in the Past

Our topic this half term is called Buckets and Spades and we are going to do lots of fun learning linked to the seaside. This first week we have begun by reading stories linked to the seaside, we started with some old favourites - The Lighthouse Keeper stories by Rhonda and David Armitage. 


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Phonics and Spelling Fun

Image of Phonics and Spelling Fun

Everyone in Lower School has been working so hard learning how to read and write by word building, learning tricky words and having fun with phonics games. It might be a tricky thing to do with so many spelling rules to follow to our children are having fun and making great…

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Searching for Sound

Image of Searching for Sound

Middle School's topic in science this half term will revolve around sound. This week, we learned that sounds come from vibrations and that something needs to vibrate in order for a sound to be made. We investigated in and around the school to find places where there were sounds and looked to see…

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Shapes in objects

Image of Shapes in objects

Our art topic this half term is focusing on improving our drawing skills. To start this off, we began looking at breaking down what we see into geometric shapes - rectangles, ovals and triangles. Children have tried copying classroom objects that they could see, firstly drawing them as geometric…

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PE - Dance

Image of PE - Dance

Our new topic in PE this half term is dance, where we are focusing on our theme - the plague!
Children did some dramatic dancing and movement focusing on how the plague would affect people. Children got into pairs to create four separate freeze frames to demonstrate the symptoms of the plague. We…

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Team games

Image of Team games

To finish up our PE topic of outdoor teamwork games, we played a variety of games that would really put our teams to the test! Our favourite was hula hut. This involved groups working together to collect hoops and build them into a spherical structure. We worked out there were different methods to…

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Maths Morning

Image of Maths Morning

We were very lucky to have a visitor come into ks2 on Friday morning. Steve came to talk to us about maths and how we use it in our daily lives and jobs. He told us about his job in marketing and his hobbies and we worked out some of the ways he uses maths. Children had lots of interesting and…

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