Our learning journey has continued in Science as we explored gases this week. 

First of all, the children had to predict which of the bottles of liquid would have the most ‘fizz’. They ordered them from least to most and then listened carefully to detect the differences in ‘fizz’ as the bottles were opened. They were right to predict the still water would have little sound. We weren’t expecting the diet lemonade to have such a loud ‘fizz’! 

We talked about what was causing the fizz sound. The children agreed it was gas escaping. 

To further observe how this gas behaves, we made observations of different poured fizzy liquids in containers. What are the bubbles doing? What are the bubbles made of? What will happen if we drop something into the fizzy liquid?

This is the point when the children got to witness the most impressive show on Earth…THE DANCING RAISINS!!!

We played different music and sang to them as they danced around in the fizzy liquids. Why are they dancing? What would make them dance faster? 

We have kept the dancing raisins as class pets and will keep you posted with any movements!


Week 5 Science in M.School