Getting to Know Our Laptops

Image of Getting to Know Our Laptops

Today the children wrote informal letters to either Miss Leyland or Mrs Thornton to tell them about their summer holiday activities and also to let them know what they are looking forward to for the year ahead. They drafted their letters in their exercise books with a particular focus on use of…

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Middle School 2023

Image of Middle School 2023

Please enjoy this video of the children throughout the year!

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Last Week Activities

Image of Last Week Activities

Middle school's last week of the school year has been filled with creativity this year! 
On Monday, the children were set the task of writing, scripting, filming and editing their own movie from start to finish. The children worked hard with their i-pads, using all of their knowledge from the…

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Faith Friends - Methodist

Image of Faith Friends - Methodist

This week, we had another very exciting visit from our Faith Friends, this time from the Methodist Church. 
We discussed their main values and beliefs and compared them to how how the Church of England shows their faith and worship. There were lots of interesting points discussed, including ones…

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Year 6 Treat Day

Image of Year 6 Treat Day

What an amazing day Year 6 have had! We started off with entertainment by Coach Gunn on the school field which included zorbing, inflatables, archery, games, tug of war and dodge ball. Everyone had a smile on their face for two whole hours!

Next we had dinner in the marquee where we were…

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Summer Holiday Reading

Image of Summer Holiday Reading

Dear Parents and children,

Woo hoo it is nearly the summer holidays! I hope you are all looking forward to the freedom of the break from school and enjoying family time together. I’ve been putting together some ideas of how you can keep up the great progress in reading and writing your children…

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School Disco (part 2)

Image of School Disco (part 2)

Great fun was had at the end of year disco! Everyone was up and dancing! DJ Taz made us laugh and astounded us with his fabulous magic too! Here are some pictures of the children busting some moves on the dance floor…

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Inskip Visits the Wild Boar Park (part 2)

Image of Inskip Visits the Wild Boar Park (part 2)

We absolutely loved our whole school trip to the Wild Boar Park! It brought elements of our Science, Geography and PSHE learning alive in front of our very eyes! 

We got the opportunity to get up close to some fascinating critters and reptiles and enjoyed exploring the farm animals - from…

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People of Faith -Free Methodists

Image of People of Faith -Free Methodists

Upper School and Middle School Classes had a visit from some very special people today. Mrs Winter (Abi and Daniel’s Mum) and Mrs Parkinson (who used to work at Inskip School) came as representatives of Fulwood Free Methodist Church to talk to us about their faith. They told us all about their…

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Frankie and Me-Monday 17th July 2023

Image of Frankie and Me-Monday 17th July 2023

Here are a few pictures from the first performance of Frankie and Me by Y5/6….

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The Wild Boar Park

Image of The Wild Boar Park

What a fabulous time we had at the Bowland Wild Boar Park! The weather wasn’t brilliant but we still managed to go for a walk around the park to see the wide variety of animals and birds. ‘Big Hat Dave’ told us lots of really interesting facts about the different families of pigs and boar and we…

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When Lower School snuck into the marquee…

Image of When Lower School snuck into the marquee…

Lower School have loved the opportunity to play outside and bring their small world play to life in the straw - particularly acting out their time on the farm! 

Hopefully we can sneak in there again to play before summer! 

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