Quarry Bank Mill 1

Image of Quarry Bank Mill 1

What a fantastic visit Y5/6 had to Quarry Bank Mill! We started off in the Apprentice Mill Workers’ House where we found out about the food they were given, the work they did, how long their working day was and where they slept. The children were all very knowledgeable about what life was like for…

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Autumn Term Handwriting Competition

Image of Autumn Term Handwriting Competition

Well done to Daniel and Tommy who won the Y5/6 Handwriting Competition this week! It was a very difficult decision as there were lots of pieces of excellent handwriting but these two just had to be the winners with their beautiful joined up writing and consistent letter formations. 

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Phonics and Spelling Superstars!

Image of Phonics and Spelling Superstars!

Lower School have really risen to the weekly spelling challenges and are improving their scores week by week! Last week, Lower School enjoyed searching for various graphemes (written sounds) in the newspapers and a range of books. They also enjoyed the roll and write challenge to practise their…

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Busy Bees playing games in PE

Image of Busy Bees playing games in PE

Lower School love their PE lessons with Corey! Last week, Lower School learnt how to listen to each other's instructions and pass a small ball carefully to one another. Well done, little ones!


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Library Van Time!

Image of Library Van Time!

We love visiting the Library Van (and the wonderful Glenys the Librarian!) and having the chance to explore the shelves and boxes for exciting new books to borrow!


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Henri Rousseau Inspired Art

Image of Henri Rousseau Inspired Art

As part of our topic on the rainforest, we looked at some art by Henri Rousseau, who painted lots of vibrant and detailed pictures of the jungle. We aimed to use this to inspire some of our own work.

each child was given a snippet of the famous ‘tiger in a tropical storm’ painting, where they…

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Plant-astic investigation

Image of Plant-astic investigation

For our science topic, we are investigating the question ‘How do plants grow?’ 
Before this week, we had finished preparing our knowledge, we had planned our investigation and we had assured that we would be making this a fair test. Now we were ready to find out for ourselves.

five pots were…

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Art- Lubaina Himid

Image of Art- Lubaina Himid

In today’s Art lesson, the children were given the challenge of describing an abstract piece of art for a partner to draw without looking. The class sat back to back to describe the painting called ‘Five’ by Lubaina Himid. They did so well with their descriptions and the children’s pictures looked…

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Science - soluble and insoluble materials

Image of Science - soluble and insoluble materials

The Upper School children investigated soluble and insoluble materials today by trying to dissolve several different solids into cold water such as sand, salt, flour, sugar, gravy granules and instant coffee. They made predictions about each one and worked in groups to test their ideas. The…

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Marvellous Maths!

Image of Marvellous Maths!

Over the last few weeks, Lower School have been working incredibly hard on a variety of mathematical skills...

Year 2 have been busy reading and writing numbers to 100, recognising numbers in different representations, learning about the place value of numbers up to 100 and how we can partition…

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Harvest Time!

Image of Harvest Time!

Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about Harvest and trying to answer the big question: How can we help those who don't have a good harvest? 

We started by discussing what Harvest means, then we have continued our learning by...enjoying the Harvest Church Service; exploring foods…

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Thank you, Gail!

Image of Thank you, Gail!

Lower School have been treated to a HOMEMADE...and incredibly awesome...STRETCHY BAND!!!

Thanks to the wonderful generosity and kindness of a talented local lady from our village - thank you so much Gail! :)

We absolutely loved exploring all of the different textures (although the pink…

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