Upper School’s Creative Writing Project

Image of Upper School’s Creative Writing Project

This week, Upper School have been thrown into a creative project that we discussed as being a ‘buy one get two free’ learning experience! Their project wonderfully combines Art, English and Science and they’ve worked their little socks off to produce incredible non-chronological reports on unique…

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Maps of our School Grounds

Image of Maps of our School Grounds

This week we have enjoyed looking closely at all kinds of different maps, paper maps and digital maps. We learnt what a map is and how it works.  

Vivian French, the author of many children’s books, very kindly sent us a copy of her book “Maps from Anna to Zane” as a present a little while…

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Outdoor counting

Image of Outdoor counting

We have been busy this week using our fabulous outdoor space for our maths learning. As you can see from these photos, in the different year groups we are learning to count to 20, learning to count in 10s, 2s and 5s as well as learning numbers to 100!


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Image of Teamwork

We are so happy to be back at school after the Easter holidays! We started the week reminding ourselves how to work in teams, being helpful, kind and resourceful in our learning. 

Take a look at these photos to see how we worked collaboratively and searched for things as apart of a scavenger…

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Science-Classification Zoo

Image of Science-Classification Zoo

This after half term, the Upper School children will be studying classification of animals and plants.

Today they began this topic by working with a partner to decide how to group a list of various animals for a new zoo. The children came up with all sorts of groups such as by…

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Easter Disco!

Image of Easter Disco!

Some pictures from the wonderful Easter Disco arranged by the Friends before the Easter break. The children all had a wonderful time!


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Magic Zoo

Image of Magic Zoo

To practice their knowledge of area and perimeter, middle school were given a challenge - to set up a zoo for mythical creatures!

They were given a list of the creatures they needed to house and their requirements and they set to work planning out where each of these animals would go. Children…

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Easter Crafts

Image of Easter Crafts

Before the holidays, the children enjoyed a morning of Easter themed arts and crafts.
Children had a choice of different activities to let their creativity flow! 
Some children designed their own Easter egg pattern using crayon or felt-tips. These ended up beautiful, bright and unique!


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We're 'sew' good!

Image of We're 'sew' good!

Middle school children have been looking at the artist Alice Kettle. 

Alice Kettle focuses on the natural world and looks at the patterns and shapes that come from it. She uses cloth and sewing to create her pieces of art.

The children were given a needle and thread to explore and create…

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Faith Friends - Hinduism

Image of Faith Friends - Hinduism

Last week we were extremely lucky to meet another faith friend - Prags Birk - who came in to teach us all about Hindusim. 
Prags explained to the children what Hinduism is and how Hindu's worship. She shared some artefacts and symbols that are important in Hinduism and showed children how and why…

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Swimming Lessons

Image of Swimming Lessons

We are SO lucky to have our very own swimming pool in the playground! Our children have been enjoying swimming every day and have made so much progress this week.

We are really proud of you children, well done!



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Drawing Feathers

Image of Drawing Feathers

We have been looking closely at line and pattern in art this week. First we experimented with pencils learning how to create light and dark shades.  Then we looked at different feathers and drew them in our sketchbooks.


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