Year 2 have been busy furthering their understanding of fractions through ‘baking’ cookies and pizza! We ‘kneaded’ and ‘rolled’ out our ‘dough’ before creating our ‘pizza base’ or ‘cookies’ - so much fun!

We talked about how many toppings they could have so each slice had an equal amount of ‘chocolate chips’ or ‘pepperoni’ and decided on amounts that would not work depending on how many parts / slices we had. 

‘Baking’ with Year 2













































‘Baking’ with Year 2













































Year 2 did a super job of applying their multiplication and division facts to check the toppings would work (eg 15 ‘chocolate chips’ would not work equally on a pizza cut into quarters but would if it was cut into thirds). 


They could talk about how many toppings were on 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 2/4 (or 1/2), 3/4 of their ‘baked goods’ - super ‘baking’ Year 2!