Sports Day Races
Here are some pictures of the relay races the classes took part in during our Sports Afternoon…
People of Faith-A Visit to Church
As part of our RE topic about Faith, the Upper School children visited St Peter’s Church in the village to meet the vicar, Rev. Paul, and to find out about how local people show their faith in God.
We looked around the church to find examples of people of faith and there were many! The stain…
Lower School’s penultimate week of fun!
We all can’t quite believe we are starting our penultimate week at school…and what a week it will be!
It is always so heartwarming to see our Year Two’s initiating play which captivates the enthusiasm of our younger ones. Before our very eyes, play has evolved and spiralled in different…
Making Mountains
Middle School have made some excellent progress on their Lake District mountain models in art this week.
After initially modelling them last week with paper mache, we began to paint them this week.
How great do they look?!
Moving Up Day
On Monday we loved welcoming the year 2s into middle school ready to be our new year 3s! The current year 3 were super helpful with showing them what we do in middle school and supporting them.
We also got to welcome our newest friend, Gracie!
We did maths, English, PE and geography.
RE-Faith in Action
Today the children in Y5/6 explored how the early followers of Jesus put their faith into action. We read three stories from the Acts of the Apostles which showed different ways in which they showed their faith in God. The children discussed these events and put them into their own role plays and…
Year 6 Book Choices
We've loved the author visits we've had at our school during the past couple of years organised by Elaine Silverwood so this year we decided to take our Year 6 leavers to her bookshop Book Bean and Ice Cream in Kirkham in order for them to select their own book choices for their end of year…
Stay and Play Day
Monday was our ‘Stay and Play’ day for our new Reception starters and for a new little Year 1! We absolutely loved having them for the day and can’t wait for them to return!
Move Up Day
Today the Year 4s and 5s got a taste of things to come as they spent the day being the new Year 5/6. They completed a poetry activity and a maths activity in the morning and then did some art, archery and a circle time session in the afternoon. The class worked really well together and produced…
Taking a Tally!
This week we have been exploring data handling and statistics in our maths lessons.
We kicked off Monday by reminding ourselves how to create a tally chart. This would be useful information to use later to turn into other data handling charts and graphs.
We decided to go outside and count…
A debate on tourism
As part of our geography topic the Lake District we learned about how tourism has positive and negative impacts in some areas. We explored why people would want to visit the Lake District and all of the positive factors. We also explored the negatives.
Once we had our facts, children split into…
Arty Afternoons
Last Friday, the children were treated to an artsy afternoon with Mrs Allen! They got to use mixed media to create a piece based upon the Lake District. This included doing bubble painting, soft and oil pastels, watercolours and collage. They had some fantastic results.
As you will know,…