A Mysterious Break In!

Image of A Mysterious Break In!

Something strange happened in our classroom in Lower School over half term! We arrived at school on Monday morning to find the classroom door open, huge footprints on the carpet, chairs knocked over, a yellow coat laid on the floor and the children’s fruit eaten. Whilst we were wondering what it…

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RE- Confirmation

Image of RE- Confirmation

Today Rev Paul visited our class to talk to the children about what Confirmation is all about. The children made paper aeroplanes and tested how far they flew to understand the idea that we can only get so far without ‘fuel’ and in this case the ‘fuel’ is following what Jesus taught. 
Rev. Paul…

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Reception’s Week 8.1.24

Image of Reception’s Week 8.1.24

Reception’s week has been full of great learning, here are a few photographs giving you a glimpse into their days in school. 


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Dinosaur Maths and Small World Play

Image of Dinosaur Maths and Small World Play

The children have loved exploring this tray this week, lots of play, talk, maths and storytelling happening!


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Famous Explorers

Image of Famous Explorers

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about famous explorers. The children have learnt about people who explored space, hot places and cold places in the past. They’ve also spent time thinking about what equipment they would need if they were to go exploring to any of these places nowadays…

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Stop Motion Animation

Image of Stop Motion Animation

To finish our computing topic of 'stop motion animation' We have made an animation using a series of photographs. The children used i pads to take a series of photographs to make an animal toy or classroom object appear as if it was moving. This can be difficult as it needs to move only a slight…

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Geography Fieldwork

Image of Geography Fieldwork

This week, middle school rounded off their 'How has Inskip changed over time?' topic with some geography fieldwork out in the village. This involved the children walking through the village and spotting human and physical features they could see. 
We worked out which human features were older…

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Oliver’s Challenge!

Image of Oliver’s Challenge!

We are so thrilled for Oliver as when he set himself the challenge of a new Rubik’s cube, we didn’t realise it was going to be so big! A 15 by 15 cube is a real achievement and it only took him three days, spending about an hour a day completing it. He said, “It was actually really easy! It just…

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Coding Careers Talk

Image of Coding Careers Talk

We had a fantastic visit from some very clever and lovely students from Lancaster University Physics Department. They came to talk to Middle School and Upper School about Coding and some careers that the children might want to consider for their futures which involve coding. 
The children were…

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US Art: creating Joan Miro sculptures

Image of US Art: creating Joan Miro sculptures

The Play-doh is out again!!! Yay!!!! 

Upper School decided which of Joan Miro’s statues they wanted to try and recreate using items to hand.

They were incredibly inventive using various objects as different tools and accessories.

We talked about strengthening our sculptures…which lead…

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US and LS Reading Buddies!

Image of US and LS Reading Buddies!

Upper School invited Lower School for an afternoon reading buddy session! It was GORGEOUS!!

Lower School read their books to their buddy and were asked questions too…

We then swapped to give Upper School the chance to read to their buddy too…

Looking forward to inviting Lower School back…

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US: Dance - Conveying characters

Image of US: Dance - Conveying characters

Over the last couple of weeks, Upper School have been exploring how to convey character’s feelings and emotions through a sequence of travels, turns, gestures and stillness…

The characters of focus are Robin Hood, Will, Marion and the Sheriff. Each have their own feelings which we have been…

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