Spring Maths

Image of Spring Maths

We have been learning about number in all different ways this week. Our flowers have grown quickly as we have been taking care of them and noticing the changes in height as they grow. We have been doing lots of counting to twenty and improving our fine motor skills in Reception and Year One. Take…

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Performing a play

Image of Performing a play

This week, we have been looking at how to read play scripts. Children were split into groups and given scripts. The children sorted themselves into parts and then learned their lines. 
Each and every one of them worked incredibly hard and did an excellent job. It takes nerves to get up and…

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Stem- Cyber Challenge

Image of Stem- Cyber Challenge

Today we had the pleasure of a visit from STEM First and Fylde Coast Physics during our science lesson. They set the class a challenge to work out who was hacking the internet and ‘rescue Hansel and Gretel from the Witch’.

The children worked brilliantly in groups of 4 to work out the clues…

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PE-Rugby Skills

Image of PE-Rugby Skills

The class are doing so well with their learning of tag rugby skills. Today they learnt how to attack and defend the ball in a competitive way through small team games. They practised throwing and catching accurately and gave each other tips for how to intercept the ball more effectively. We are…

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Franz Marc

Image of Franz Marc

In our German, we have been looking at colours and animals.
This week, we have put the two together by exploring the work of famous German artist, Franz Marc. 

The children created their own images inspired by his images, showing animals painted using geometric shape and unique colour. The…

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The Olympic Games Throwing Events!

Image of The Olympic Games Throwing Events!

To accompany our topic this half term of ancient Greece we decided to look at the Olympics. In our PE lesson, we developed previous knowledge on throwing by trying out three events from the Olympics - javelin, shotput and discus.

Children learned the throwing method for each discipline before…

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Making Cardboard Sculptures

Image of Making Cardboard Sculptures

Our art topic this half term is exploring sculpture with a focus on Greek architecture.
To start off - we explored how to make 2D shapes 3D by bending, folding and balancing.

Children used strong card from old boxes, drew various sized shapes and cut them out. They then explored different ways…

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US - exploring paper sculptures

Image of US - exploring paper sculptures

Using inspiration from Joan Miro’s drawings, paintings, ceramics and other sculptures, we began creating designs and prototypes for our very own sculptures.


We first considered where our sculpture would be stood so we had an idea of space and height. We then made some annotated drawing…

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US - Glow Dodgeball

Image of US - Glow Dodgeball

Well done to the children who represented Inskip last night at the Year 5/6 Glo Dodgeball at Garstang Community Academy.

We were so proud of your awesome team spirit and relentless energy…thank you for doing us all proud!


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Super Sentences LS

Image of Super Sentences LS

Our Year One and Two children were practicing creating statement, question and exclamation sentences this week. As a warm up activity they looked closely at our plants and created sentences of each type using the plants as the topic to write about. They created some great sentences, well done…

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Becoming scientists

Image of Becoming scientists

We love learning about the world around us, in Lower School we talk about why we are doing a task, why are we learning a particular thing. In science we are exploring the topics of animals and plants thinking of how this learning will help us in life and may inspire the children to have a career…

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Maths Snapshots

Image of Maths Snapshots

We learn so much maths in one week, all three year groups cover different areas. Take a look at these photographs to see a snapshot of what we have been learning…


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