Ring-a ring o'roses

Image of Ring-a ring o'roses

Since coming back to school last week, Upper School have been learning about the Great Plague of 1665-1666. There are some comparisons between the way families dealt with the Plague then and how we deal with Covid-19 now. Isolation has occurred both times as a way to control the spread but…

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Making Stig's Den

Image of Making Stig's Den

Middle school spent Monday creating their own den based on our class story Stig of the Dump. Children went outside to find a 'dump' full of useful items and objects. As a team, the children worked together to use the discarded objects to create a den fit for a caveman! We were so thankful for the…

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Fleetwood Academy PE Lessons

Image of Fleetwood Academy PE Lessons

It’s been great to meet and work with Pete from Fleetwood this week. He has been teaching us and improving our tennis skills. He also organises great games to play during lunch time break. 
Thanks also to all the parents who have provided outdoor and indoor PE kits for the very changeable…

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Stone age art

Image of Stone age art

In history this week, middle school learned about the palaeolithic era. We learned about how Britain was different during the ice age in many ways, from the way of life to the creatures! During our art we enjoyed creating our own paintings inspired by the cave art from the palaeolithic era -…

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Science - Learning about invertebrates

Image of Science - Learning about invertebrates

Science this week was all about invertebrates.
We learned about arthropods, mulloscs and worms and went out to find our own. Children created an annotated picture of some of the invertebrates they found in the playground. Some children eve}n took their rulers out to measure the creatures they…

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Place value

Image of Place value

In our first maths lesson back, middle school revised place value. 
The children participated in several activities to get back into the swing of being in the classroom. Children partitioned, sorted and ordered numbers using their whiteboards, pens and themselves! We had a great time getting out…

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Mothering Sunday

Image of Mothering Sunday

Happy Mothering Sunday to all our wonderful mums! 

I hope the mums and mummies of our children enjoyed opening their envelopes this morning as the children put a lot of thought and love into your letters and cards. 

The Reception children made some zig zag cards saying how they love their…

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Hurray we are back!

Image of Hurray we are back!

Wow what a busy, fun filled week we have had for our first week back! It has been fantastic to be back together, we have all really enjoyed having a full and busy classroom again.

Our learning this week has been centred around books and stories as we have belatedly celebrated World Book day,…

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Welcome back!

Image of Welcome back!

We are delighted to have everyone back to Upper School. Everyone has been working very hard and of course, all are pleased to see their friends again. We are especially pleased to welcome Henry to Upper School. He has settled in quickly and already has many new friends.

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Exciting news ...

Image of Exciting news ...

We are very pleased to let you know about an exciting time in the history of our school.

As a result of rising numbers in Upper School the governors have been able to take the impactful decision to split the class into two, with Years 5 and 6 remaining as our Upper School class and Years 3 and…

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World Book Day 2021

Image of World Book Day 2021

I am excited for WBD this year! 

In Lower School we are going to have a World Book Week spreading out our lovely activities to celebrate the joy and wonder of reading over 5 days. Here are 9 new pictures books I have got ready to share with the class next week. We are going to have double the…

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Phonics with Gail The Snail

Image of Phonics with Gail The Snail

Gail the snail has been helping the Reception children learn the ‘ai’ sound and the Year 1 children to investigate the different ways to make an ‘ai’ sound. 

We started the learning by having a guided reading session reading fact cards about slugs and snails. We learnt lots of new things, had a…

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