Planting up our tractor tyre
Our Year 6s offered to plant up the tractor tyre by our school’s gate to put a smile on the faces of everyone who drives past this summer.
Dojo winners
Jasmine and Ruby are this week’s Dojo competition winners. Year 3 and 5 won overall.
Well done!
Meeting Clare Balding
Year 2 had a fantastic morning at Kirkham Grammar School being lucky enough to attend an author event with Clare Balding. Clare was very interesting and captivated our children for over an hour talking to us about the events that inspire and are featured in her books.
Clare asked us all about…
Investigating Capacity
Great maths learning in Reception and Year 1 this week. We have been estimating, measuring and comparing capacity.
Animal Shelter
Reception children have been reading the book ‘Hairy Maclary’ and doing lots of great learning around the stories. They have really impressed me and Miss Haynes this week with their original ideas and brilliant writing! In the role play area they have created a great animal shelter. Today Tommy…
A Cautionary Tale
Thank you to Years three and four who came down to our classroom to perform their poems ‘Jim a Cautionary Tale’ accompanied by a sound scape they had composed. We really enjoyed the performance.
Busy learners
Great learning has been happening over the past few weeks ...
Fun Swim!
Our smallest swimmers loved having 15 minutes ‘fun swim’ at the end of their lesson today, it was to mark all their hard work during this half term!
Spaceport Visit
Our Upper School class had a fantastic visit to Liverpool’s Spaceport centre. We watched a film asking about the possibility of life on another planet ‘Are we aliens?’ and also one on astronaut training. There was a room where your white clothes turned luminous and quizzes all over the place. We…
Well done George
George brought his trophy in to school today to show everyone. He was presented with it at the Ripon Red junior football club presentation evening on Friday for having a good season! Well done George!
Welcome Jasmine!
Today Jasmine joined our school! We have all loved getting to know you Jasmine during your first day here and we were blown away by the model of the solar system you’d created at home to show us. Well done Jasmine we think you’ll fit in very well at Inskip!
Leaf Art
Year 3 have been busy creating leaf art, they’ve looked at textures and different shades of green to create a collage which they recreated in pencil form.