As part of our topic on evolution and inheritance, the class found out about Darwin’s theories about adaptation. We discussed why the same animals look different in differing environments. The two main ideas they came up with were because of climate and because of predation. 
We studied this further by observing Cepaea snails and the way they have adapted their shells according to where they live. 
We then went outside into the grounds of school to record all the different types of Cepaea snails we could find. It was a very successful hunt and the results were also very interesting. The children mostly found Cepaea nemoralis snails (brown lipped) that had yellow or pink shells. These types of snails are usually found in hotter environments! 
Some of the children decided it was possibly because of climate change and that because our country is warming up, over time the snails were adapting to the warming climate. 

Mrs Hurley 

Science- Evolution and Inheritance