Olivia came as a shepherd and Caitlin a sheep!
Children lead Fairtrade Worship
This morning, six children lead a Fairtrade themed worship as part of Fairtrade Fortnight which is held nationally. The focus this year is Make Your Breakfast Count. We were asked to consider where our breakfast came from and to consider using Fairtrade products whever we can.
'Astronaut Challenge' Set by Tim Peake
All the children in Lower School have this week completed a challenge set by British Astronaut, Tim Peake. They have built space structures, carried out a space sports activity and tried some special space food sent from NASA!
Safer Internet Day
Every child in Upper School participated in an afternoon of activity to learn about safe messaging on the internet. Chidren considered how they feel when they see different types of messages and the impact their messages have on their readers. Safer Internet Day is a nationally recognised day and…