This morning we have been lucky to have a visit from Sonia, Caitlyn's mum, who is a physiotherapist. She came to tell us about the one of the special robots that works at the hospital.

This very special robot moves down long corridors where all the medicines are kept for all the patients and sorts through them taking out the boxes of medicine that are needed for each patient ready to be taken to the patients. The robot does the job that would take at least a hundred humans to do and it keeps on working through the night without needing a rest! Sonia explained that when the recent cyber attack shut down all of the computers at the hospital it also stopped the robot from working as they were unable to programme it. Instead they had only 20 people come and work to find the medicines and it wasn't enough, they needed many more people to do the robot's job and they were far slower than the robot doing the job. We decided that robots make our lives much easier and they are extremely helpful. 

Theo asked "How does the robot move?" and Sonia explained that it moves side to side on tracks and up and down on pistons. She then explained how the repetitive tasks the robot does saves wear and tear on human's joints if we were to do the repetitive tasks over and over again. 

Spencer asked "Does the robot need food and drink?" and Sonia explained that it uses electricity for its power/energy to move and oil as its drink!

Marcus asked "Did you want to be a physiotherapist when you were younger?" Sonia said that no she wanted to be an astronaut! However she also told us that she loves being a physiotherapist and the best bit about her job is helping people to get better. Sonia helps people who have been very ill and intensive care, she helps people be able to breathe, sit up and learn to walk again on their own. 

Thank you very much for coming to talk to us Sonia, it was very interesting.