What a super time we had outside!

To make the most out of the beautiful weather, Middle School were given the option of doing their Dance PE lesson outside…of course they agreed!

After discussing rules and spacing, we practised our travelling techniques (speed, direction, height etc) and our shapes for a freeze frame. 

Middle School worked in small groups to create a sequence to represent the ideas from last week: Stone Age people escaping the storm, seeking shelter and making their way to freedom to explore for stones and rocks. Their sequence needed to include the following components in the following order: TRAVEL TRAVEL FREEZE…TRAVEL TRAVEL FREEZE.

We then split the class into groups happy/ready to share so far and the groups who wanted to help me evaluate the performances. The evaluators and I had a brilliant time being performed to! We noticed lots we loved: the use of space, heights, facial expressions, ways of travelling…

Super Stone Age ideas! Well done, Middle School!

Week 3 PE in M.School