Good morning everyone!
The star of today's blog is a Cinnabar Moth that I saw at the weekend. I don't think I have seen a moth like this before and I was surprised to see its striking colours. I researched the moth on the internet, why don't you research it too? Whilst doing my research I found these fun games and activities that you might like to do on the RSPB website have a look here
Are you exercising with Joe at 9.00am today?
Here are your activities to choose from today ...
Play Phonicsplay and review some sounds you need practise with then practise building and blending your phonics by reading a book.
Reading and Responding
Please look at the plans I have sent you on email.
Reception - Please choose an activity from the ones around Alien Invasion .
Year 1- 'To infinity and beyoonnnnddddd' do you know which character says this? Of course you do! You are going to create a fact file about Buzz Lightyear.
Year 2 - Read the poem Scissors by Allan Ahlberg and then have a go at creating your own version of the poem following the activities suggested on the plans.
Reception your learning can be found on the white rose maths site - today your learning is so cool! You are going to be learning about 3D shapes and making your own castle with boxes and junk materials.
Year 1 - You will learn in today's online lesson how to make arrays by making equal groups and building them into columns or rows.
Year 2 - Today we are going to learn about the properties of 2D shapes, you will be good at this!
Don’t forget to choose your own topic learning today.
Have a great day!
Mrs Kemp