Good Morning everyone, it looks like it is going to be a beautiful day!

Today's star of the blog is Charlie!  Charlie found some pottery when he was digging in our bark pit and just like an archaeologist he used clues to imagine all sorts of reasons as to why it was there and where it might of come from.  Have you ever found anything interesting in the ground in your gardens?

Here are your learning activities today to choose from ...

PE with Joe and Rosie this morning at 9am.

Phonics (reading and spelling)

Reception and Year 1 children If you would like to do a page in your phonics workbooks (the ones made by CGP) please do so. 

Don't forget to watch the episodes of Alphablocks on CBeebies to help you learn your sounds too. 

Please try to spend 10 minutes (or more if you would like to) on a phonics activity to keep making your brains bigger and reminding yourself how to read and spell sounds. You can go on or Teach Your Monster To Read (which is also available as an app).


Reading and Responding

Please look at the plans I sent to you on Friday for this today's activities ...

Reception - Big, Bad Bugs!  Please choose another of your activities.

Year 1 - The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson. Today you are going to watch the film on player of the Highway Rat and then make a list of the food he steals!

Year 2 - Recipes. Today you are going to watch a film clip of a  tortilla pizza being made then have a go at writing some instructions telling someone else how to make the pizza in the film clip! Don't forget those bossy verbs to start your instructions! 

Well done those of you who had fun with the recipes yesterday Leo made some fantastic mouse toast and I have just had another email with a photo of Alfie and his fantastic mouse toast  ...

Mouse Toast




Today's maths activities can be found at White Rose Maths Home Learning by clicking on this link  

Choose your year group, watch the Flashback video first and answer the questions before you have a go at the activities.

Reception - Day 3 - The Hungry Caterpillar

Year 1 - Lesson 3 - Add together and find a part

Year Two - Lesson 3 - Related Facts

You don't need to print the worksheets out, you can write the answers on a piece of paper or simply tell the adult you are working with the answers to the questions. 


Topic  - Science

Today's topic lesson is to learn about the basic parts of a plant you can find it here we have done lots of learning about plants in school together before the lockdown so these will refresh your memories. Today go and have a close look at the plants in your garden, you could draw and take photographs of the plants you have. Over time watch the different plants in your gardens and notice the changes that happen as they grow and change with the seasons and the weather. You could keep a diary of how they are changing. You could take regular photos and drawings, you can use a ruler or tape measure to see how tall they are in centimetres and record how tall they are on different dates. 

Do some plants grow faster than others?  Which is the tallest plant you have in your garden? 

I know some of you planted some seeds at the beginning of the lockdown like I did, mine are growing well.  Sophie is growing peas and they are growing well, she is keeping a record of how they are growing.  Here are photos of my plants, I am keeping a record of how they grow by taking photos of them every week. I planted the seeds at the beginning of April. Please click on the photos to see the comments and the dates so that you can see the changes.

















Please send me any photos of your plants and gardens and I will put them in the blog. 

Have a great day, have fun in your gardens, stay at home and stay safe. 

Mrs Kemp