Good morning everyone!
I hope you are ready to start by exercising and waking your brain up for learning. If you are able to, follow Joe Wicks live on The Bodycoach TV on You Tube at 9am I will be doing it too. If you don't catch it live it will be saved on You Tube for you to do at anytime.
Word of the day today is glisten. Find out what it means write a sentence with it in. How many times can you use the word today when you are speaking to your family and friends?
Phonics (reading and spelling)
If you have not done so already please goto the Phonics Play website and log in using the username and password below.
Username: march20
Reception do activities in Phase 2 to start with, practise your building and blending to read words and play Obb and Bob.
Year One do activities in Phase 5. Choose to do any activities you want to play.
Year Two do activities in Phase 6. Choose to do any activities you want to play.
Everyone please do the next two pages of your handwriting books. Make sure you are sat comfortably with your chair pushed up to the table. Check you are holding your pencil correctly and that your free hand is flat on your book holding your page still. Make sure you are writing your letters the write way round and ask mum, dad or an adult to watch you write and check you are writing your letters correctly.
You might chose to do a project on something that you find interesting (Charlie has started a great project learning about volcanoes). If you do that your writing activities (lots of other subjects too e.g. maths, art activities) for the day can be ones you create within your project.
Everyone, please choose an activity out of your booklet.
Remember to email me at with photos of your work so that I can see what fabulous learning you are doing and mark it and help you make things even better next time. Thank you so much to Sophia and Charlie for the lovely emails and photos of your learning that you have already sent!
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Kemp