We had so much fun this year, we enjoy reading so much that it was a treat to devote a whole day to the joy of books!
We began our day by sharing our favourite books that we had brought from home with the whole class. After we’d shared them the children chose to either draw the front cover of their book or their favourite illustration or character from the story so that we could make a gallery of our favourite books.
Our favourite books WBD
Julia Donaldson was our author focus for the day, we we surprised by how many stories she has written and learnt that she likes to use different illustrators to create the pictures for her books. We read the story of The Gruffalo and compared it to Billy and The Beast (the one we have been using for our writing activities the past two weeks), it has a lot of similarities. We sang along to some of Julia Donaldsons songs and danced and then created our own monsters.
In the afternoon we had a big treat as Upper School joined us bringing us board games based on a book of their choice that they had created especially for us! Thank you Upper School you created some fantastic games, take a look at these photos to see how much Lower School enjoyed playing them …
Book Board Games
We ended our day with a glorious whole school buddy reading time …