As part of our author study we have begun a series of writing activities based on John Burningham’s story called The Magic Bed this week. It’s a great story about a boy called Georgie who, instead of buying a brand new bed from the department store as his Grannie wishes, buys a bed from an antiques shop. This bed is special, at night when he says the magic word he gets whisked off to different places for an adventure. 

The children have been predicting events, writing extended sentences and looking closely at the characters in the story. Towards the end of this week they have begun to think of new settings Georgie could travel to and think of new adventures he may have there. Take a look at these photographs, in them you will see the children acting out events in the story in a drama session and the children ordering events in the story as well as the days of the week. 

LS The Magic Bed Wk1