This week, middle school took part in a stone age themed day to immerse ourselves in our topic for the term. 
Children came in to sit on the furs around a fire where they listened to the sounds of the forest. 
Next, we learned about Skara Brae and how archaeologists find primary and secondary sources to make conclusions. We looked at how the neolithic people of Skara Brae built their houses and lives and how we could work this out.

After this, we investigated some of the tools that archaeologists have found and worked out what they were. Children then had a try at 'knapping' their own tool head out of soap! We found that it was trickier than it seemed - and that was just with soap, let alone flint! 

In the afternoon we gathered around the fire and came up with our own stories using descriptive language that engaged our senses. We combined this with some musical aspects on the drums to try and create a song.

Finally, the children began to learn the oldest weaving style using a weaving board and thread. We learned how the neolithic people developed fabrics and could move away from wearing animal pelts. 

Overall, we had a fantastic day!

StoneAgeDay MS 05.10.22