What a joy to be able to celebrate the 25th WBD in school with everyone this year! I was so delighted to see the excitement and joy in all the children throughout the day as they showed off their costumes and shared their favourite books.

Our theme was ‘Animals’ where I asked that you choose your favourite story that had a theme around animals and then came to school dressed as that animal or a character from the story. Wow! We had some amazing costumes but more importantly I was so impressed by how the children knew and loved the stories they had chosen being able to talk about the stories and often recite the whole story to me! 

We had a fun filled day with lots of different reading activities. We all drew pictures from our favourite story and described what it was about it that made it our favourite. Y 1 and 2 made our very own book (see next blog post) whilst Reception told stories. We had a whole school reading time when all three classes mixed and paired up to share stories together around the school (that was magical to see). 

One of my favourite stories is “The Tiger Who Came To Tea” by Judith Kerr so I dressed up as a tiger and after reading the story to the children surprised them with a special tea party as they all acted out the story! We had some delicious fairy cakes that my mum had baked for the children and it was a great way to end a special day.

Take a look at the photos in the galleries below. 

Don’t forget to spend your WBD tokens and claim your free book children. 

Mrs Kemp

LS WBD Costumes












LS WBD Activities













LS WBD Whole School




























LS Tea Party