As part of the PE curriculum, children participate in outdoor activities - this half term's outdoor activities include trust games and activities that promote teamwork. 
This week, children began with some teamwork. In groups, children had to use their bodies to create words (which also links to our typography topic in art!) This required children to discuss and work as a team to decide their roles and formulate the words.

Next, children had to work in pairs to compete a task - they had to link arms and comfortably sit while leaning on each other. This proved to be quite a challenge as we had to place our trust completely in our friend not to let us fall.

Finally, children put their complete trust in their friend as they used their voices to guide them around the field blindfolded! Children had to think of how to communicate to their blindfolded friend so that they would understand easily, whilst blindfolded children had to trust their friends completely. 
Every child had a turn at being blindfolded and guiding someone else - we did amazingly well and got everyone around the track!