In middle school we are focusing on the importance of times tables at the moment. 
We have spent a lesson on each times table, learning tricks and tips to help us work them out and use them in our learning. 
The children have done incredibly well using them so far and are really working hard!

Times tables are so important to learn in year 3 and 4 in order to create a foundation for the maths that will come as children progress through school. We are hoping to promote children learning their times tables off by heart by the end of year 4!

In order to do this, we have a times tables challenge in the classroom that can be seen below! We encourage children to recite a times table of their choice and get their names written in the box.

We would also love if children could practice on TTRockstars (times tables rockstars) at home as well as at school. They absolutely love the challenge and the fun games that comes along with the program!

A huge well done so far to middle school for all of their excellent times tables work.

Times tables 05.11.21