On Tuesday, children had a themed day where we learned all about how we can help the planet.
We began by learning about fractions, decimals and percentages used in lots of different facts about the planet. Children went on a treasure hunt to find each percentage, fraction or decimal on a pebble hidden somewhere around the school.
Each fraction, decimal or percentage fit into a fact about the planet.
Children converted some of the numbers to reveal different ways to say each fact.
We then took a quiz based on these facts... children were definitely shocked at some of the results.

1/5 of the rainforest has already been destroyed...
Up to 50% of species will be extinct by 2050 if things continue the way they are...

56% of marine mammals have eaten plastic waste...

Fractions Hunt














Children created their own posters to encourage people to reduce, recycle and even ban use of plastics. This became a competition to make the most eye-catching, informational and impactful poster.
Sophie D took our third place spot, Florence took our second place and Sian took first place. 
We spent some time in the afternoon taking it in turns to create an art piece of our planet. This will be a display in our new classroom.

Save the Planet










If you would like to do your part with your child to help combat plastic pollution then check out this list from NatGeo kids:
