We are always talking about the weather! In Lower School we are talking about it a little more than we usually would at the moment as it is the focus of our geography learning this half term.
Our new topic this half term is called The Great Outdoors (it's a great topic) our main focus subjects are Science, Geography and Design and Technology. Before we started our Geography learning we had a great discussion about what the children already knew about weather and what they wanted to learn so that we can tailor our learning to fit the things that interest them. There is quite a bit of interest in tornadoes and why different weather happens so we will be investigating these.
Last week we began learning to identify daily weather patterns in the UK by starting a weather diary. We have talked about and understood the different types of weather we experience here and have looked at symbols used to record different types of weather. We have also started to think about how the weather affects us and the children showed their understanding by drawing the clothes they would wear for different types of weather.
This week we have been observing the weather changes, recording them in our diaries and learning about climate change and how and why our planet is warming up. Today we saw the weather change from sunshine to hail and rain! We have also been outside using our senses looking for signs of spring as we learnt about the four seasons in our year.