Our topic in Reception this half term in Reception is ‘Toys’ and in Year One and Two ‘Robots’. As part of their learning we will find out about real robots working around the world helping humans in many ways, and also about some famous robots from our television screens.

The children are going to design and make their own robot out of junk materials. They will give their robot a character and then as the week’s progress will develop their robot’s character and write a fantasy story about their own robot. As part of the project we are going to study robot toys in the classroom. So if your child has any Space or Robot toys please can they bring them into school in a clearly labelled carrier bag?

Maybe you have some robot toys that you had when you were young? Maybe you have some old toys which are pre-robot (wooden toys, dolls, wind up trains, etc.)? It would be great to share some older examples of toys with the children, and we will take good care of them!

In Science we will be learning all about the human body, thinking about what can we do that a robot can’t?  We will learn; the names of the parts of the body, senses, recognise that humans are animals and that humans have many similarities. We will also be noticing changes in our environment and eagerly observing the growth of the flowers and potatoes Reception children have planted.

PE will continue to be on a Tuesday afternoon and swimming on a Thursday. Please remember to send your child with a sun hat and apply sun cream on sunny days.

Thank you so much for all your continuing support.


Penny Kemp