Wow! What an amazing experience! Last night was the final performance of our Upper School end of year performance 'Frankie and Me'. Frankie and Me is a musical written by Peter Fardell and I'm sure it's never been performed better than it was by Inskip St. Peter's! Solos were sung, formation dances were created, props were moved seamlessly, comic timing was spot on! We are beyond proud of every single pupil in Year 5 and 6 who through the process of volunteering, auditioning, designing props, scenery and costumes and rehearsing and performing the play, discovered and developed the most amazing talents for performance. It would not have been possible though without our marvellous Mrs Hurley who had the vision to know that her pupils could rise to the challenge of an hour long performance; buit in them the confidence and self belief to develop their characters and helped them learn and deliver their lines. We have the most amazing Upper School class and we are so very very proud of every one of you!

Frankie and Me