Wow! what a busy couple of days we have had. First we looked at why, we as Christians have Shrove Tuesday, as preparation for lent. We eat up all the rich foods on Shrove Tuesday as it is Ash Wednesday the day after.  Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent and when Jesus went into the dessert for 40 days. Most people now call it Pancake day and we looked at other countries around the world with their own traditions on Shrove Tuesday, some countries call it 'fat Tuesday'!

Then we designed our own pancakes, thinking about our favourite toppings and flavours. We drew these and coloured them in, then we used a ruler and labelled them ourselves.

At the end of the day we all joined in a 'Pancake Toss' to raise money for school, we were in teams and each of us had to toss the pancake 20 times, it is a lot harder than it looks!