Welcome to Inskip St Peter's CE Primary School


15 July 2024
Image of Very Little Visitors

Very Little Visitors

After a lot of asking, Ms Thornton finally brought in her pets for middle school to meet. Although, they are quite unusual! On Thursday, two of Ms Thornton's pet rats came into middle school to meet the children.  The day began with remembering our science from throughout the year - w...

15 July 2024
Image of Careers Fair - Middle School

Careers Fair - Middle School

Last Monday, middle school were able to attend an exciting careers fair. Children got to speak to different people from jobs in the STEM field to understand the range of jobs they could possibly one day do! There were people talking about renewable energies and electricity. There were others talk...

12 July 2024
Image of Road Safety 2024

Road Safety 2024

This week we have been learning how to keep ourselves safe out near roads. We have learnt where it is safe to play, dangers to be aware of and how to cross the road safely. In our first activity we stood and watched the traffic the travels along our road outside school noticing the speed and havi...

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